Submission Site
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Important Dates
    • Opening date for all submissions:
      October 1, 2022

    • Deadline for all submissions:
      February 28, 2023

    • Notification of acceptance:
      April 1, 2023

    • Final submission:
      May 10, 2023

Contact Us

Program Committee Secretariat: 

Ms. Ying Qu

Tel: +86-13439292673   


Address: Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS, No.55 Zhongguancun East Road, Beijing 100190, P.R. China

Organizing Committee Secretariat:

Ms. Zuting Shen,Ms. Lu Zhou,Mr. Hui Qu, Ms. Yue Sun,Mr. Jing Zhang,Ms. Jin Meng,Mr. Xiangde Meng



Address: College of Artificial Intelligence, Nankai University Jinnan Campus, 38 Tongyan Road, Haihe Education Area, Tianjin, 300350, P.R. China

Panel Sessions

Panel Sessions 1

Title: A Special Forum for the 10th Anniversary of the International Journal, Unmanned Systems无人系统创刊10周年特别论坛:无人系统,何去何从?

Chair: Professor Ben M. Chen, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China

Panelists: (By the alphabetic order of their surnames)

                Professor Jie Chen, Tongji University, China

                Professor Lu Liu, City University of Hong Kong, China

                Professor Yan Wan, University of Texas at Arlington, USA

                Professor Lihua Xie, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Abstract: The 42nd Chinese Control Conference (CCC 2023) proudly presents this special forum to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Unmanned Systems, an international journal jointly published by Beijing Institute of Technology and World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, since July 2013. We are honored that the journal Managing Editor-in-Chief, Professor Jie Chen of Tongji University, China, Co-Editor-in-Chief, Professor Lihua Xie of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and two editorial board members, Professor Lu Liu of the City University of Hong Kong, China, and Professor Yan Wan of the University of Texas at Arlington, USA, will join this special panel to share their expertise and experience, and to discuss challenges and opportunities in the areas related to unmanned systems technologies. Through direct dialog with our panelists, we aim to gain a deeper insight into some fundamental and emerging problems as well as future directions in the field.

Panel Sessions 2

Title: Industrial Internet Based Control: Technology and Application

Chair: Min Wu, China University of Geosciences, China

Panelists: (By the alphabetic order of their surnames)

                Jian Chu,  SUPCON Group Co. Ltd., China

                Guoping Liu, Southern University of Science and Technology, China

                Renquan Lu, Guangdong University of Technology, China

                Yuanqing Xia, Beijing Institute of Technology, China

Abstract: The plenary panel session invites four distinguished scholars to share their research experience and original perspectives on “Industrial Internet Based Control: Technology and Application”. They will present the research progress and achievements on industrial operating system based process-automation and business-automation, design methods and implementation techniques in networked predictive control, research and development of intelligent garbage recovery for unmanned boat, cloud control and decision in industry cyber-physical systems, in addition, they will discuss some of the challenges and opportunities in these areas. Through the dialogue and interaction with these renowned experts, we aim to gain a deeper understanding of some fundamental and emerging issues in technology and applications of industrial internet based control.

下一条:Panel Sessions 2

Organizing Institutes

